With a Success Rate of over 97%
Maintenance Free • Solar Powered • No Harm to Geese or Environment
Water Unit
The floating “Water Unit” is recommended for use in ponds, lakes, retention areas and any waterway where geese feel safe from predators. The safety of the water is why the geese choose these sites.
Our money back guaranteed “Water Unit” features a soft amber solar powered light that is scarcely noticeable to humans. To the geese however, it is very disruptive to their sleep pattern plus it emulates the eyes of a predator, perhaps a dog, a fox, or a coyote. This creates a situation where the geese consider your location “undesirable and unsafe”. As a result, after a period of time, they simply leave in favor of another “desirable and safe” site. Once their new habitat is established, they will not return since geese prefer to sleep and eat in the same area. Additionally, the movement of the floating “Water Unit” adds another level of deterrence.
· The light is mounted on a base comprised of 0.25” thick ABS black plastic that is configured completely in a one-piece design so there are no seams or points of weakness. It will never fade, crack, or need to be replaced
· The LED solar-powered light flashes every 2 seconds from dusk to dawn in a full 360° and covers an effective 100 yard radius.
· Completely maintenance free.
· The unit can withstand all weather conditions, even freeze/thaw cycles. It is recommended that the unit remain in the water year-round for maximum results.
· The base is specially designed to effectively displace water and maximize its stability, despite any strong winds and possible choppy waters. Boat hulls contributed to the shape and ratios of the base design. No tipping over.
· 5 pounds of ballast keeps the unit weighted and a built-in eyebolt will keep it localized when tethered
· A cinder block and a tether nylon rope are required for installation (not included). The line should have approximately 10 feet of slack for variations in water levels and to facilitate movement by wind or current
· Overall height of 27.25” of which only 11.75” are visible above the water line. Skirt diameter is 14”. Light diameter is 4". Weight is 12 pounds.
Brochure/Information Sheet
For a copy of our one page
brochure/information sheet
Personalized Site Survey
Includes a satellite image providing product type and placement for best results.